I was just thinking as to what to write next on my blog, have been writing posts about oil rise and fall on a day to day basis since a few days , so was getting a little bored with the same news going around , oil is rising , so what is the big deal about it? It got me thinking how much do we need oil and can we live without Oil?
I wanted an answer cause if oil is becoming dearer is it possible to just reduce or stop using oil and use other products like gas or kerosene? , for cars yes this could be a good alternative, but what about others , do we use oil in our daily routine ? Yes guys we do , you would be surprised how much we depend on oil , I can’t list all of them here but will mention a few which are very much part of our lives…………
Motorcycle Helmets
Toilet seats
Hand lotion
Ball point pens
Soft contact lens
Toothbrush etc……..
Can go on for hours but have to say these are products which we cannot live without , now I know why oil is so expensive , it is not only used as fuel for our vehicles but also for various other day to day chores. With the Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) meeting today 14th December 2006 for further cut to the supply of Oil , due to this Oil is wavering between $60 and $62 a barrel. Oil touching almost $72 a barrel few months back has seen a tremendous drop due to various reasons like excessive production of oil bringing down the demand, to make oil more attractive OPEC is planning to cut more oil supply , like in November Oil supply was cut by 1.2 million barrels a day.
I just hope that oil prices stabilize and do not cause much havoc to the already high oil prices and stay below $60 a barrel.
I am sure there are millions of technical reasons and facts that could support an argument on why oil is going back up, but I can't help but notice the timing. It starts com ing down just before the election and then starts going up less than 45 days after the election. Conspiracy theories are fun, so why not go with this one?
Yes very true antman, the drop in oil conveniently happens just before the elections and it rises again after the elections, though this is a global feature, the US seems to be influencing it even more ......
i think we need oil but not for a car
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