1. First and foremost tip is to keep aside a portion of your extra money if you decide to start trading, do not take out the amount from your savings ,for the simple
reason that in case you loose you cannot retreive the lost amount.
2.Research and research on the best stocks if you are interested to trade in stocks of companies you could trade on, look at their Payout ratio, Past peformances by
looking at their Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet statements( this informaton can be gathered from Financial Times Company Statements service or request this information from the company website directly).Also it is safer to put money on Small-capital and
Mid-capital companies rather than on Large-capital companies.
3. Now the trend is to trade online , so look for good websites who teach newbies like you about what and how to trade. There are sites who are dedicated to only teach and some who not only allow users to try out their site for free but also teach them through their learning centre.
4. Become active on different forums and blogs where investors communicate with each daily, this will not only keep you updated with the latest financial news but also
you will make new and long lasting business contacts.
5. If you do not want to risk on stocks , then opt for a website which deals with indicies or commodities or currencies as a whole or intra-day trading or index or stock trading, for example if you comfortable to
trade on forex look for such sites.
6. Always keep in mind to look for new and innovative methods to trade online, do not miss an oportunity to try out something new (as long as they offer service that is).
7. Make sure you cash in any profits made while trading,just in case the website vanishes with your profits ( this happens rarely but it is better to be cautious from the start).
8. Follow your trades everyday since markets are unpredictable and you never know a when a winning trade is turning around into a horrifying one.
9. The other important aspect is to use your profits made in investing into other avenues of investment like real estate, this ensures that your money is put to use somewhere and not used to trade only. This way you will have a varied personal portfolio, distributing the risk and maximising the profits in an effeciant manner.
10. Lastly, keep in mind that income generated from trading is taxable income,check the income tax rules of your country to be able to understand the way your
income will be taxed.
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